Random Stories

Cooper Library was named after Robert Muldrow Cooper. Cooper served on Clemson’s Board of Trustees starting in 1922 and then in 1951 he became President of the Board of Trustees and had the position until his death in 1966. After his death the board…

During the events of 1969’s SLBI walk-out, The Tiger, Clemson’s student-run newspaper since 1907 covered that and many connected events on and around campus. While The Tiger was criticized by local news sources as being liberally biased and…

The Clemson Downtown has served as the social center for students and locals since the opening of the university. One of the most historical and well-known establishments located downtown is Judge Keller’s. Established in 1899, the store has gone…

The South Carolina Botanical Garden is located on the campus of Clemson University. It is made up of a 295-acre garden of natural and manicured landscapes within the South Carolina Piedmont ecosystem. Together with a nationally recognized…

In response to the ongoing protests from Tigerama to the Confederate symbols at football games, Clemson President Robert C. Edwards began receiving letters from all across the South. Most letters, arriving to the university from October 27th to…

In 2002, the citizens of Clemson, South Carolina expressed the need to have a historical site dedicated to the accomplishments of local African-Americans. Their call was answered when the City of Clemson est. CAAAM. The Clemson Area African-American…

Take a Tour

Clemson Downtown

4 Locations ~ Curated by Avery Mock, Rose Keller, Rich Gooding, Scott Kimball, Lakyn Tippett, Michael O'Toole