Random Stories

Cooper Library was named after Robert Muldrow Cooper. Cooper served on Clemson’s Board of Trustees starting in 1922 and then in 1951 he became President of the Board of Trustees and had the position until his death in 1966. After his death the board…

Fike Recreation was originally named the "Clemson Field House" opened in 1930. The Facility was renamed after Rupert Fike, a renowned doctor and Clemson Alumnus, in 1966. The name was then officially changed to Fike Recreation Center in 1971. Fike…

Harvey B. Gantt, born on January 14, 1943, grew up in Charleston during a time where racial segregation was still in full force. He attended National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) meetings with his father as a child, and…

While the academic year of 1969 had proven to be one that featured many challenges for the African American community at Clemson, it was not without its share of successes for the community as well. The graduating class of 1969 held numerous…

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