Stories by author "Bradley Myers": 3
The Johnstone Bombing and Racial Tensions
In the Fall of 1968, racial tensions ran high throughout the state of South Carolina. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King had been assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee in early April, and the campus at SC State in Orangeburg had just experienced an outbreak of…
The Country Gentleman, "Dixie," and the Confederate Flag
Before at least 1930, the use of several controversial figures and traditions could be seen at Clemson football games, both home and away. These included the tradition of Tiger Band playing Dixie, the mascot known as “The Country Gentleman”, and the…
Success After Struggle
While the academic year of 1969 had proven to be one that featured many challenges for the African American community at Clemson, it was not without its share of successes for the community as well. The graduating class of 1969 held numerous…