Scroll of Honor

The Scroll of Honor was created to give tribute to the 493 Clemson alumni who have given their lives in military service for this country.

The Scroll of Honor was thought of back in 2001 by members of the Clemson Corps and by 2002 they had a portable scroll to display at events. In 2005 other members of the Corps decided that the portable scroll was not enough to honor those alumni that had given the ultimate sacrifice for their country. They decided on the current location across from Memorial Stadium since this was also dedicated to those alumni lost in the military. The Athletic Department and the Administrative council both gave full support to the scroll and its location. The groundbreaking took place in 2008 and the dedication took place in 2010. The Scroll of Honor has 493 rocks with the name and graduation year of the alumni who sacrificed for this country. The graduation dates are the dates the alumni would have graduated had they not left school early to head off to war. The stones are not uniform in shape, size or color. This represents the differences in each person who is memorialized there. The reason only the names and graduation year is listed on the stones is to signify that all the honorees are Clemson Tigers and it does not matter when or with what branch of the military they served. Every year on Memorial Day weekend, a ceremony is held to honor the dead listed on the Scroll and 493 American flags are placed on the grassy mound around the names of the fallen.
The Scroll of Honor is just one of the ways Clemson is showing its appreciation of its past military heritage that will never be forgotten.
“The Clemson Corps - Military Scroll of Honor,” Clemson Corps, accessed April 21, 2020,

